After a Rabona flank: Kramer with special praise for Wimmer

Frankfurt am Main (SID) - Patrick Wimmer's Rabona cross, which is well worth seeing, also impressed Frank Kramer. The Austrian does "sometimes crazy things. He's a creative player, you can't take that away from him," said the Arminia Bielefeld coach after the 2-0 (2-0) win at Eintracht Frankfurt: "He did a great job ."

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With his spectacular preliminary work for Alessandro Schöpf (27th), the 20-year-old Wimmer also delighted his teammates. "It's this youthful madness. He has something crazy and carefree," said goalkeeper Stefan Ortega at DAZN: "If he stays with himself and works on a few basics that are important to the team, he can become even more valuable."

Wimmer said he had no confidence in his left foot during the action: "If that doesn't work out, I also know that I can listen to something properly." Kramer explained with a wink: "Actions like the assist you have to give him credit for, and before he takes his left, it's better that way."

Even before his feat, the Austrian junior international had scored the lead himself (5th) and paved the way for Arminia, who have been unbeaten in five Bundesliga games. Eintracht, on the other hand, had to accept the next setback in the fight for Europe and are still waiting for their first win of the year.

With 21 points, the Bielefeld team left the relegation zone, at least temporarily. "It's important that we're above the line in the end," said Ortega. "You shouldn't write us off."


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