Side Fabricio Bustos, from Independiente, would be in agreement with Internacional


The first reinforcement for the Inter side in the 2022 season, it seems, should be the Argentine Fabricio Bustos, from Independiente. According to information from the portal 'Uol', the athlete has a pre-contract signed with Colorado.

At 25 years of age, the athlete who has passed through the Argentina national team has become a constant target for River Plate in the current transfer window.

However, although initially Independiente had accepted the idea of ​​negotiating him, the player's staff would not have accepted the successive offers from River and, in the face of the disagreement between River's management and the surroundings of Bustos, the transaction ended up not evolving. .

At this moment, the bureaucratic issue that Internacional is trying to solve would be to have Bustos immediately released at no cost, since the athlete is linked to the Avellaneda club until next June. However, the tendency is that this release does not come in an absolutely peaceful way.

That's because 'Uol' claimed to have contacted representatives of the managerial part of Independiente and the response was dissatisfaction with Inter's movement in trying to anticipate the end of the bond with the player formed in the club's basic categories.

Source: Yahoo 


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